Forests and Forest Product Journal

Household energy preference and its implications in selected rural and urban areas of Ondo State, Nigeria


The survey evaluates the households’ energy preference in rural and urban areas of Ondo state Nigeria and the implications of such on the welfare of the people. Questionnaires were administered to women who are responsible for cooking in the households. Kerosene ranked the highest for both the rural (44.9%) and urban (64.8%) areas as preferred cooking energy; this was closely followed by firewood in both rural (38.4%) urban (15.5%) areas. Cooking is done largely in built-in kitchens within the house in the urban (52.8%) and rural (31.2%) areas. Despite higher percentage of kerosene over firewood, many of the women preferred firewood due to high cost of kerosene and its unavailability. Improving the way firewood is supplied and used for cooking is therefore an important way of reducing its harmful effects. This can be achieved either through transformation of firewood into less polluting forms or through improved stoves and better ventilation. Policies on capacity building and empowerment are essential for widening women’s access to modern services and sources and to address the issues of poverty

Keywords:  Firewood, kerosene, air pollution, domestic energy

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